data files: such data files as it may be possible to assemble for distribution. ODPPS: one tar file, odpps.tar, or odpps.tar.gz, containing README, which appears also as ./docs/README shell scripts to set environment variables tar file with source code tar file with headerfiles and catalogfiles binaries: hopefully, they will be present for Linux, and possibly for Sparc. if present, their tar files will contain instructions for where to put them ... ---------------------------------------------------------------- the (hopefully) complete list of files: in the ODPPS home directory: convert directory of routines to convert JPL ephemeris files to O-Division format docs documentation directory ephlib the subroutine library file; you will create this include header files (*.h) progs sources for executables sources sources for subroutines in ephlib README tells which order to read files in a sample of how a tcsh shell script sets env. variables maketar tcsh shell script to tar the files in this package GNU-GPL.UC the Gnu public licence, altered to vest ownership in the University of California ---------------- directory ./docs: this directory manifest this file abstract prepared for DOE and LLNL release; summary of the particulars of this code and its origin acknowledgements acknowledgements of other people's help disclaimer disclaimer of any warranty, disclaimer of all liability how2make.doc how to build the executables in ./progs (planets.c, fastplan.c) planets.doc how to use the executables from planets.c and fastplan.c where.ftp how to find the JPL ftp site with data files convert.doc how to use the executables in the ./convert directory to convert a JPL format de-245 ascii ephemeris to Odiv format ascii ---------------- directory ./include: the header (*.h) files declarations of routines sorted approximately by functional category: f2c.h used by d_mod.c in the sources directory ms.h general declarations matrix.h vector and matrix manipulations in matrix.c hnav.h general include file for everything except matrix.c nrutil.h a few public domain Numerical Recipes routines ---------------- directory ./progs: asctobin.c converts data files from ascii (slow) to binary (faster) catalog.c catalogs data files (duplicates a file in ../convert245) fastplan.c fast planetary positions from Keplerian orbits makefile a simple makefile planets.c gives planetary position data from ephemeris tables ---------------- directory ./sources: apparent.c apparent place corrections babyloni.c babylonian units, i. e, degrees, minutes, seconds calendar.c calendar routines chebev.c chebyshev polynomial evaluation coortran.c coordinate transforms etc. d_mod.c this is used only by nod.c and nod.f exorbs.c sets Keplerian orbits of planets from _Expl. Supplement_ findheap.c routines to find a "heap" of data gmstgast.c routines for GMST and GAST jplanets.c high-level routines to interrogate JPL ephemeris jplgen.c low-level routines; very old code, if still used. makefile the makefile matrix.c vector and matrix manipulations navancil.c navigation ancillary routines navmain.c nav. main routines -- Keplerian orbit manipulations nod.f one USNO nutation routine, in fortran, excerpt from novas.f (see note below) nod.c its translation into C orbutili.c orbital utility routines planetx.c fictional orbit for Planet X, with lit refs precnuta.c precession and nutation routines printers.c routines that print rwod.c "Read Write O-Div" format low level subroutines sunmoon.c approximate orbit series expansions for sun and moon NOTE: novas.f, the source from which nod.f has been excerpted, may be obtained entire from George Kaplan at the U. S. Naval Observatory,, telephone (202) 653-0722. only nod.f, an excerpt from it, is used (for nutation). The subroutine nod, called in C as nod_(), is the only routine used from novas.f, provided here in nod.f. nod_() can be bypassed by commenting out the call to nod_() in precnuta.c, and substituting there the call to gnod(), which calls a subroutine implementing RM Green's nutation formula. Alternatively nod_ can be called from its C version, in nod.c; this is the default. ---------------- directory ./convert: (for more detailed comments on files in this directory, see convert.doc) convert.c converts JPL headers and data to OD headers and data conheader.c converts JPL headers to OD headers extractjd.c given O-Div catalog file and data files, extracts data to a file for your desired start and stop julian day numbers extractdates.c same, but for calendar dates makefile to make convert and conheader these next files are here from, /ephem/export/ascii: header.200 header file for de/le-200 and -202 data files header.102 header file for de-200/le-51 ephemeris data files header.402 header file for de/le-402 the same files converted to OD format od-head.102 od-head.200 these files should be moved to your EPHLOC directory od-head.402 (i. e., to whatever directory you put data files in, od-head.245 whose name is also the value of the EPHLOC env. variable)